Release 6.2 Changes 20 Jul 2022

  • New: (gRPPC) Added support to export functional test to a json file
  • New: (gRPPC) Added support to import *.json file to a functional test
  • New: (gRPPC) Added support to export test set to a json file
  • New: (gRPPC) Added console client fintc.exe
  • New: (gRPPC) console client fintc.exe can run individual functional tests

    Command line : fintc.exe test "{pathToExported}\test.json" -r "{pathToReportFolder}"
    Example : fintc.exe test "C:\TEMP\Fint\test.json" -r "C:\TEMP\Fint\report"
  • New: (gRPPC) console client fintc.exe can run test sets containing multiple functional tests

    Command line : fintc.exe testset "{pathToExported}\testset.json" -r "{pathToReportFolder}"
    Example : fintc.exe testset "C:\TEMP\Fint\testset.json" -r "C:\TEMP\Fint\report"
  • New: (All) test reports are now generated as HTML
  • New: (All) Functional test reports can now be saved as HTML

Thank you so much for reporting defects! - Erik