In this tutorial we'll see how you can call Unary methods.  We'll be using the RouteGuide example service that is part of the gRPC repository.  Shown below is the *.proto definition of the service

route guide proto


As you can see above, GetFeature is a Unary method.  It accepts a request of type Point and returns a type Feature.  Before we can call this method, we'll need to first discover the service. For that, please have a look at the Getting Started.  Once the service is discovered and the client is generated and compiled you'll see the following

Discovered RouteGuide Service


  • Service Panel (Left) : Shows the discovered methods.
  • Request Panel (Middle) : Shows the selected method
  • Response Panel (Right) : Shows the response of the method call


Select the GetFeature method . This will generate a request populated with default values.  Modify the request by selecting any of the child nodes.  Once, all the parameters are populated, click on the Run button (  )

Calling GetFeature method



Another way of editing the request is to use the JSON editor

GetFeature using Json Editor