Feature FINT Kreya BloomRPC Insomnia
Support for unary, client , server, duplex streaming
Proto file discovery
Server reflection discovery
Import/Export of requests
Scripting support (python) to customize the test execution
Object editor (no more mistakes when manually editing json)
Support call credentials and certificates
Automatic comparison of actual and expected responses
Built-in diff editor to show added/removed/modified lines in the response
Generate test reports (html format)
Create Performance tests (incremental, burst, constant load)
Configurable perf test parameters
Real-time display of performance metrics (response time, rate etc.)
Real-time chart to display progress of perf test
Export perf chart as image
Group functional tests into a logical workflow (test sets) and execute
Execute test sets sequentially or in parallel
View individual test reports of each test case in the test set
Home/Dashboard for quick access of "starred" gRPC services and tests
Powerful search feature to quickly locate tests and generated clients
gRPC clients are compiled into an assembly. No performance issues.
Organize test and gRPC clients into folders
Move/Copy tests and gRPC clients into folders
Configurable proxy settings (for those behind a corporate firewall)
Support for multiple monitors
Automatic software update checking